
Addressing critical needs in cardiology with cutting-edge solutions that ensure reliable performance and exceptional patient care.

Our cardiology product line provides innovative solutions aimed at enhancing patient care and optimizing clinical procedures.

An advanced antimicrobial solution has been specifically developed to prevent cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) infections. This solution effectively eliminates over 500 types of bacteria and fungi, including resistant strains, without contributing to antibiotic resistance, ensuring safer implantation procedures and better patient outcomes.

In addition, we offer a revolutionary set of radiolucent, prewired ECG electrodes designed to simplify electrode placement during cardiac catheterization and electrophysiology procedures. By reducing cable tangling and preparation time, our ECG solution enhances efficiency and reduces stress for medical practitioners.

These cutting-edge products, along with other innovative offerings, address critical needs in cardiology, delivering reliable performance and superior patient care.

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Cardiology Products


EpiFaith CV

Claravue EP & Cath Lab


EpiFaith CV

Claravue EP & Cath Lab